R.E.G. – Reflect. Evolve. Generate.
R.E.G. provides professional systemic counselling and coaching for individuals, teams and organisations in projects and processes of change and/or development in national and international contexts. We support individuals and organisations to reach their goals through the essential phases of reflecting, evolving and future-oriented generating.
Are you looking for innovative solutions to recent challenges or constructive conflict resolution strategies? Or is it time to consciously review and reflect upon your personal working style or professional position? Depending on the respective issue and constellation of the parties involved, we facilitate the process towards your individual professional solution by means of counselling, coaching or organisational consulting.
Time for individuals, teams and groups to consciously reflect upon job-related issues, stress management and conflict resolution in challenging situations.
Coaching/Training of executives or on topics such as career planning, internationalisation and communication (also in foreign languages).
Organisational consulting
Organisational consulting and facilitating individual processes linked to change, development and internationalisation of organisations.
Tailor-made workshops, seminars and (specialised) trainings for HR development, training and/or internationalisation of organisations